The Radia Tap(e)s:
A screenplay in Courier 12pt melodramatic format, spanning the first three days of lobbying for cabinet spots, in the wake of the Indian general elections of 2009. The dialogue is entirely from phone taps made by the government. The screenplay slows them down and asks: what kinds of environments and scenes may lie behind them, and how are they connected?
Printed screenplay and IVR-based phone line, audience can type in scene numbers to hear dialogue in the original voices. Also performed as a reading.
Act II (Hum Logos) is a 45-minute audio film spliced from the collection of the Radia Tapes. It covers two months after the Indian general elections of 2009, with the new cabinet in power. The film asks: if debate around these tapes was about whether they are edited or not, or as Justice Mukhopadhay put it, "splice has been added", then what can further editing do?
A project of listening, including with our ears, to some materials that seem to not touch us directly, but make up our "environment".
"film objects"
A gathering organised by the Delhi based artist group first draft.
Saturday from 5 pm.
Organised by Stuart Comer and Rattanamol Singh Johal. is running a season dedicated to CAMP as part of Video After Video: The Critical Media of CAMP at MoMA.
A video a day, on the site.
sign up!
Sunday, 7:00 pm
100 mins
Pandemic shorts by Panahi, Poitras, Apichatpong, Weiwei, and others.
by Iram Ghufran
50 mins, 2023
7:00 pm
Introduction and post-screening discussion with Iram Ghufran.
A science-fiction fable set in the "miracle city" of Yiwu, in one of the world's largest wholesale markets for small commodities.
Shaina A gave a talk at the film studies conference at EFLU, Hyderabad titled Film After Video, Notes from CAMP.
by Johan Grimonprez
150 mins| 2024|
7:00 pm
A story about the encounter of American Jazz and African decolonisation, via the UN and the CIA, with a lot of world around it.
Join us for a season of new films at CAMP which explore configurations and revelations of "world", amidst a world in pieces.
We begin the year with
by Miguel Gomes
2024, 120 mins.
7:00 pm.
in memorium, Tejas Pande.
Al Jaar Qabla Al Daar
Streaming on Union Docs.