India Re- Worlded : Seventy Years of Investigating a Nation
Curated by Arshiya Lokhandwala
Gallery Odyssey
Structure of a Forthcoming Film
Video, 8 mins 20 secs, and wall-mounted timeline
A Journey through Housing in Bombay/Mumbai, Part II
A never-ending project housed at CAMP around peoples histories of Bombay-Mumbai.
"Ghar Mein Shehar Hona: City Housing in a Cultural Matrix, 1951 to 2020". Three evenings of immersive histories on CAMP Rooftop.
"From Janta Colony to Janta Colony" video lecture by CAMP, part one of a series, at KRVIA auditorium at 11 am.
Join us for a season of new films at CAMP which explore configurations and revelations of "world", amidst a world in pieces.
We begin with the one of the best films we have seen last year
by Miguel Gomes
2024, 120 mins.
7:00 pm.
in memorium, Tejas Pande.
Five narratives developed in the class "Footage Films", that re-assemble archives of campus protest, Penn Museum collections, university weapons development projects, the Schuylkill river, a utopia called Shangri-La, and their intersections across time and place.
*Recalling Far From Vietnam, collectively-made essay film from 1967.
Screening and conversation in collaboration with University of Pennsylvania’s Cinema & Media Studies department and CARG. At old Slought/ new Public Trust.
Film screening, and conversation 6-8:00 pm
We are proposing this term to think more broadly about extraction, waste, dependency, rear-guarding, mediatic conversions, in- and out-sourcing, and other aspects of chains of translation and steps of decision and production.