Jago Hua Savera

Jago Hua Savera (Day Shall Dawn) 90 mins

Filmed in 1958 on the banks of the River Meghna, in the village Saitnol some 50 kms from Dhaka, based on a pre-independence modernist Bengali novel by Manik Bandopadhyay, with an Urdu screenplay and lyrics by Faiz Ahmed Faiz, music by Timir Baran, photography by Walter Lassally, direction by AJ Kardar with Zahir Raihan and Shanti Kumar Chatterji as assistant directors, Nauman Taseer as producer, and featuring Tripti Mitra from IPTA and Khan Ata among a cast of amateur actors and locals, Jago Hua Savera's reception has been repeatedly thwarted by censorial politics, even amid its rediscovery as a humanist classic and collaborative adventure across nation-made lines.

We invite you in the cities of Batticaloa, Chittagong, Delhi, Dhaka, Karachi, Khulna, Kolkata, Lahore and Mumbai, to change the course of a film's charted history, sip from its waters and immerse in its light and shadows, taste its oddness of language; to experience together its cinematic force as a river without banks, streaming through time and space, and carrying with it our myriad readings and simultaneous narratives.

All screenings on: Sunday, 8th April 2018. All times local (synchronised in actual time)

6:30 pm Karachi IVS Gallery, Indus Valley School of Art and Architecture

6:30 pm Lahore Taseer Art Gallery

7:30 pm Chittagong Chittagong Arts Complex

7:30 pm Dhaka Zahir Raihan Film Society, Jahangirnagar University

7:30 pm Khulna

7:00 Batticaloa Eastern University

7:00 pm Kolkata TENT, Theatre for Experiments with New Technologies

7:00 pm Delhi SAA2, School of Arts and Aesthetics JNU

7:00 pm Mumbai CAMP Roof


The video art programme of the 2021 Asian Art Biennial

Presented by Pad.ma

Book Opening

Midnight's Third Child
Readings, Screenings and Discussions
with Naeem Mohaiemen

A season of long films

Pad.ma invites you to
Rivers without Banks

27th December, 2013 through 27th January, 2014

Before the start of a new year; and among big and small resolutions for the future we chose to ask ourselves what is free cinema today, what is its political and perceptual economy, and what could we summon of its powers, before embarking on new journeys of making and thinking.

Rivers without Banks is a screening program of films whose durations extend beyond conventional length. But importantly, this is not a collection put together quantitatively, even as we may argue that the epic scales present in the chosen films carry the weight of histories, and put together chronologically show us a century where individual everyday lives face the annals of terrible power; where the human condition battles with nature and technology, with love and loss, with good and evil.

Evenings at CAMP Rooftop

A roof-top venue that has been active since 2007, in this location since 2009.

Asia Pacific Triennial

The Neighbour before the House

Geographies of Belonging

Visiting Artist Lecture Series

From Land to Sea

From Gulf to Gulf to Gulf

Vertical Integration

We are proposing this term to think more broadly about extraction, waste, dependency, rear-guarding, mediatic conversions, in- and out-sourcing, and other aspects of chains of translation and steps of decision and production.

Footage Films, Or Narrating a Dataset

with Visiting Scholars CAMP
(Shaina Anand and Ashok Sukumaran)

We begin this fall semester's film class with a moratorium on audio-video capture.
100 days without your own images:)

From the Roof to the Sky

The Neighbour before the House
A Stone's Throw

August 1 – 7:30 pm
August 7 – 7:30 pm
August 12 – 7:30 pm
August 31 – 7:30 pm
with filmmaker q&a

Inlaks Fine Art Awardees 2024

machines, skins, traps and five-year plans

CAMP, Urvar and Studio ON invite you to a one-day Open House of artworks and interactions with the 2024 Inlaks Fine Art Awardees, who have been in residence in Borivali for the past 4 weeks.

From Gulf to Gulf to Gulf

as part of
Heavy Metal Containers

July 9, 10 pm
July 13, 7:30 pm
July, 17 pm
July 29, 7:30 pm

Into the Midst Workshop

Months long workshop initiated by a group of artists in and around Delhi. To analyse contemporary mediation and media theory as a general phenomenon, to discuss emerging practice and theory, and to produce new work.
Part 1 @Sarai, April 20-22, 2024

All Events