has a sister project. was launched at Jaaga, Bangalore by Sebastian Lütgert and Jan Gerber in February 2013. is an annotated online archive of Indian film. It is intended to serve as a shared resource for film scholars and enthusiasts in India and beyond.  has been initiated by, and will be operated by a network of film studies institutions in India. The starting set of films and metadata is based on Ashish Rajadhyaksha's and Paul Willemen's Encyclopedia of Indian Cinema, and the Wiki.


NJP.MA documents the intermedia experiments of Fluxus artists as they encountered and radically transformed the distributive capacities of the new mediums of video and broadcast art, led substantially by the prescient work of Nam June Paik.

The video art programme of the 2021 Asian Art Biennial
Presented by

Fwd: Re: Archive

The central event of a month-long gathering organised around the 10th anniversary of the footage archive, and the 5th anniversary of

is an ongoing public-access media archival project, centered around video as a medium of documentation, collection, argumentation and exchange. Its objective is to consolidate, densely annotate, and make available online several scattered collections of video material, to begin with in Mumbai and Bangalore. is a collaboration between, CAMP, Majlis, Point of View, the Alternative Law Forum, and other future contributors.

Cinemathon 2014

15th and 16th February 2014
5pm onwards (till midnight and beyond)
at CAMP Rooftop studio Archive Launch

Thursday, February 28, 2008.
PAD.MA is an online archive of video material, primarily footage and not finished films, that has been densely text-annotated. The entire collection is searchable and viewable online, and is free to download for non-commercial use.
We see PADMA as a way of opening up a set of images, intentions and effects present in video footage -- resources that conventions of video-making, editing and viewing have over time tended to suppress, or make unavailable.

The World of Afghan Films

Saturday, 18th August, 2012 7:00pm Venue: CAMP RooftopProgram: 1) Introduction to the Afghan Films and workshop in conjunction with documenta13 in Kassel and Kabul. 2) Screening: Audiences and Crowds from the Afghan Films Archive (a cut from the archive, made and screened in Kabul in April), 23 minutes3) An annotated filmography of Engineer Latif Ahmadi, Afghanistan's most prolific filmmaker in recent times.4) Screening: Khan-e-Tarikh (House of History) 1996. An essay film by Qader Taheri made during the civil war using archival footage from Afghan Films. 5) Discussion with Shaina Anand, Faiza Ahmad Khan, Ashok Sukumaran, who were part of the workshop in Kabul, and invited guests.


In 2013, as a gift to our cinema centenary, an online platform and community initiative dedicated to Indian cinema was born.

Archive Practicum: Dont Wait for the Archive 3

A workshop at Afghan Films, KabulMarch 25th to April 15th, 2012 with Shaina Anand, Vijay Chavan, Mariam Ghani, Faiza Khan, Ashok Sukumaran and members and staff of Afghan Films 2009

Monday, February, 16, 2009.

11:am to 7pm
"Who Are We?" hall - inside the Discovery of India exhibition,
First Floor,
Nehru Centre,
Dr. Annie Besant Road,
Worli, Mumbai - 400018. version 2 - Launch and Screenings

Sunday, February 26, 20126:30 PMCAMP roof301 Alif Apartments,34-A Chuim Village, Khar, Bombay 400052 at Home Works, Beirut

Don't Wait for the ArchiveArchiving practices and futures
of the image. A workshop and colloquium with
April 12 to April 24 2010@ Home WorksAshkal Alwan Beirut


Home for recurring live streaming projects.

Clips, edits, sirens and phantoms from the annotated archives, and related sites. An invitation to absorb, discuss, navigate and contribute new and old time-based media, in a weekly rhythm. To feel the ideas in them, and their potential in and as art, film, daily life, new theory and use. Without the frameworks of social media ;)
Home page is refreshed every Monday, older weeks remain as long-term references.
Contact and to contribute:
To get notifications on new postings join the (you will be anonymous) telegram channel here.

Evenings at CAMP Rooftop

A roof-top venue that has been active since 2007, in this location since 2009.

A Passage through Passages, 2020

Video project that takes us on new and recently rebuilt roads in Pakistan, Sri Lanka, the Maldives, and India. Endoscopic views from the interior of the road system, and of the interfaces through which pride, money, data, climate, and vulnerability are connected to it, heighten our sense of developmental possibility, failure, and the deep ambiguity of road achievements.

‘A Passage Through Passages’ is a collaboration with anthropologists, and draws upon ethnographic and archival work in five field sites. This film is part of Roads and the Politics of Thought, a 5-year ethnographic study of road-building in South Asia.

Past Present Future

A never-ending project housed at CAMP around peoples histories of Bombay-Mumbai.

The New Medium

The New Medium ​was a curated programme for the Mumbai International Film Festival for three consecutive years (2016-2018). The inaugural program - in a twisted art-historical mode - framed cinema as a new medium (125 years old, when compared to the other arts), and scoured the century of cinema chronologically...

R & R

A space we built and run with others, located in the R and R colony of Lallubhai Compound, Mumbai.

As If (I-V)

AS IF is a series of exhibitions by CAMP across the winter /spring of 2014-15.

As If (I-V)

As If – I Rock, Paper, Scissors
January 7 - February 20 2015
As If – II Flight of the Black Boxes
24 JORBAGH, New Delhi
January 27 - February 24 2015
As If – III Country of the Sea
February 21 - April 7 2015
As If – IV Night For Day
March 9 - April 30 2015
As If – tV
Clark House Initiative, Mumbai
March 29 - May 20 2015

Electronic Ear Cleaning

A project of listening, including with our ears, to some materials that seem to not touch us directly, but make up our "environment".

A Season of Footage and Films

CAMP presents Saturday or Sunday evening screenings through winter,
exploring footage both within and outside the usual capsule of "the
film". An experience that could be similar to watching films, or at
other times harder to digest, or slower to release, closer to the moment of
shooting, less censorious, and less fearful of finitude. Another life,
another world of viewing and listening experiences is always possible.

All Projects