A Season of Footage and Films

CAMP presents
Saturday or Sunday evening screenings through winter, exploring footage both within and outside the usual capsule of "the film". An experience that could be similar to watching films, or at other times harder to digest, or slower to release, closer to the moment of shooting, less censorious, and less fearful of finitude. Another life, another world of viewing and listening experiences is always possible.

Pirate Cinema Bombay

Pirate Cinema from Berlin, who we are working with on the video archive http://pad.ma, present a series of weekly (Sunday) events in the Pirate Cinema tradition, on films and footage.

Soundtrack to a Coup d'Etat

by Johan Grimonprez
150 mins| 2024|
7:00 pm
A story about the encounter of American Jazz and African decolonisation, via the UN and the CIA, with a lot of world around it.

A Season of Footage and Films, Part 1

Saturday, 11th December, 2010, 6:30 pm onwards
CAMP roof
a) L'Inde Fantôme aka Phantom India, Episode 7: Bombay, The Future India.
Louis Malle, 1969
50 minutes
b) In and Out of "the City"
from the city: about entering and then leaving it at will: via
excursions out to sea, double-lives, afternoon-naps, bike-rides, water-wells, and more.

50 minutes

A season of Footage and Films Part 2. Two Footage Films

Two Footage Films, or How to make use of a Footage Archive.
Saturday, December 18th, 2010, 6:30 pm onwards.
1. Domestic Tourism IIMaha Maamoun, 200960 minutes. 2. Workers Leaving the Factory
Harun Farocki, 1995 36 minutes.

A Season of Footage and Films Part 3. Talking Heads

Talking Heads
Sunday, 26th December, 2010, 6:30 pm onwardsCAMP Roof

A Season of Footage and Films Part 4. The Parallel Street

Die Parallelstraße (The Parallel Street)
Ferdinand Khittl, 1961
86 minutes.

Sunday January 2,
6:30 pm.

A Season of Footage and Films Part 5. The Time Between Recording and Projection

Sunday, January 23, 2011, 6:30 pm CAMP Roof1. The SpecialistEyal Sivan and Rony Brauman1999128 mins2. Ici et AilleursJean-Luc Godard, Anne-Marie Miéville, Jean-Pierre Gorin, AKA The Dziga Vertov Group197453 mins

A Season of Footage and Films, Part 6. The Desert of the Real: Footage from Dubai

Sunday January 30 6:30 pm

Sebastian Lütgert shows footage from a future film about capitalism, set in Dubai.
111 mins.
Shot on Canon 5D Mark II

A season of Footage and Films Part 7. Disket Document

Sunday February 6, 7:00 pmAt CAMP Roof
Disket Document
90 mins.

A Season of Footage and Films Part 8. The City Plays Itself

Sunday, February 12, 6:30 pm CAMP roof
Bandra in BollywoodAmrit Gangar2006,75 minsLos Angeles Plays ItselfThom Anderson2003, 179 mins

A Season of Footage and Films Part 9. Four Times Bob.

on Saturday, February 19th7:00 pm onwardsCAMP roofFour Times BobA cut of four films on Bob Dylan.100 mins.

A Season of Footage and Films. Part 10. Women at Work

Sunday, February 27, 7:00 pm CAMP roof
Footage from the Dharavi Documentation ProjectRicha Hushing with Tapan Vyas and Rrivvu laha2008. 180 minutes

A season of long films

Pad.ma invites you toRivers without Banks at CAMP27th December, 2013 through 27th January, 2014Before the start of a new year; and among big and small resolutions for the future we chose to ask ourselves what is free cinema today, what is its political and perceptual economy, and what could we summon of its powers, before embarking on new journeys of making and thinking. Rivers without Banks is a screening program of films whose durations extend beyond conventional length. But importantly, this is not a collection put together quantitatively, even as we may argue that the epic scales present in the chosen films carry the weight of histories, and put together chronologically show us a century where individual everyday lives face the annals of terrible power; where the human condition battles with nature and technology, with love and loss, with good and evil.

Mother Truth and her Unruly, Loving Children

SUSPENDED :( Hope to be back in the near future
This season of projections at CAMP begins on weekend evenings starting Saturday, February 29, or leap year day.


A chronological viewing of 14 films beginning with Vertovs Man with the Movie Camera, and concluding with Farockis Parallel I-IV; The New Medium presents innovations in Cinema.
At the 18th MAMI Film Festival
20th October to 27th October 2016
When the moving image came into being it was seen as the seventh art, an alchemical medium with the potential to transform the spatial arts: architecture, sculpture and painting, and the temporal arts: music, poetry and dance.


14 films and three live events that explode the relationship between Footage and Films into a galaxy of possibilities.
Curated by Shaina Anand
October 12 to October 18, 2017

Many Months in Mirya

The film evokes the practice of the diary film, at once observational and reflexive, and draws power from its twin strategies of frugal economy and long duration. Screening & discussion with Renu.


Home for recurring live streaming projects.


Clips, edits, sirens and phantoms from the annotated archives pad.ma, indiancine.ma and related sites. An invitation to absorb, discuss, navigate and contribute new and old time-based media, in a weekly rhythm. To feel the ideas in them, and their potential in and as art, film, daily life, new theory and use. Without the frameworks of social media ;)
Home page is refreshed every Monday, older weeks remain as long-term references.
Contact and to contribute: emailATphantas.ma
To get notifications on new postings join the (you will be anonymous) telegram channel here.

Evenings at CAMP Rooftop

A roof-top venue that has been active since 2007, in this location since 2009.

A Passage through Passages, 2020

Video project that takes us on new and recently rebuilt roads in Pakistan, Sri Lanka, the Maldives, and India. Endoscopic views from the interior of the road system, and of the interfaces through which pride, money, data, climate, and vulnerability are connected to it, heighten our sense of developmental possibility, failure, and the deep ambiguity of road achievements.

‘A Passage Through Passages’ is a collaboration with anthropologists, and draws upon ethnographic and archival work in five field sites. This film is part of Roads and the Politics of Thought, a 5-year ethnographic study of road-building in South Asia.

The New Medium

The New Medium ​was a curated programme for the Mumbai International Film Festival for three consecutive years (2016-2018). The inaugural program - in a twisted art-historical mode - framed cinema as a new medium (125 years old, when compared to the other arts), and scoured the century of cinema chronologically...

Past Present Future

A never-ending project housed at CAMP around peoples histories of Bombay-Mumbai.

R & R

A space we built and run with others, located in the R and R colony of Lallubhai Compound, Mumbai.

As If (I-V)

AS IF is a series of exhibitions by CAMP across the winter /spring of 2014-15.

As If (I-V)

As If – I Rock, Paper, Scissors
January 7 - February 20 2015
As If – II Flight of the Black Boxes
24 JORBAGH, New Delhi
January 27 - February 24 2015
As If – III Country of the Sea
February 21 - April 7 2015
As If – IV Night For Day
March 9 - April 30 2015
As If – tV
Clark House Initiative, Mumbai
March 29 - May 20 2015


Pad.ma has a sister project.

Indiancine.ma is an annotated online archive of Indian film.

Electronic Ear Cleaning

A project of listening, including with our ears, to some materials that seem to not touch us directly, but make up our "environment".

All Projects