Camera Obscura

Tate Modern

29th March, 2017, 7:00 pm
South Tank

Using a live presentational format honed through years of public presentations in their rooftop cinema in Mumbai, CAMP takes us into the dark rooms and black boxes of our times.

Camera Obscura is an assemblage drawn from the history of proto-photographic and photographic surveillance – from the eponymous darkened room which people entered to see an image of the outside world, to CCTV control rooms and hidden cameras the size of a spectacle screw – as well as from their own cinematic works and those of fellow artists. Together, they unsettle the neutrality of the documentary image and provoke us with ways of seeing, being seen and being heard.

Presented in parallel with CAMP’s Could Have Beens installation in the Transformer Galleries and East Tank, this live presentation provides fascinating insight into the group’s politically-engaged working methods. Could Have Beens will be on view throughout the evening alongside the work of Fred Moten & Wu Tsang, Isabel Lewis and Fujiko Nakaya, Ryuichi Sakamoto and Shiro Takatani.  

Excerpt, Part 1: 3 Scenes.

Excerpt, Part 2: 13 Regional Folktakes.

Gallery: Camera Obscura
An Evening with CAMP

This artist talk accompanies Signals: How Video Transformed the World.
Organised by Stuart Comer, Michelle Kuo and Rattanamol SIngh Johal.


A newly commissioned video performance in the "Grand Stair".
Reclaiming the strange spectatorship of viewers who entered the 19th-century Camera Obscura rooms to see live views of their surroundings in today's time of real-time hyper surveillance, CAMP invites us to experience a contemporary form of Live Cinema.

Could Have Beens

Tate Modern
Transformer Galleries and Tanks
Ten Days Six Nights
March 24 to April 2, 2017

CAMP presents a series of works including Windscreen, Capital Circus, One Agreement and Four-letter Film.

We also host Camera Obscura, an evening with video and talking, on the 29th of March.

From Gulf to Gulf to Gulf

On Display at Tate Modern, Media Networks, till November 2022

CCTV Landscape from Lower Parel

A 200-year neighbourhood story told through a single camera mounted on a cinema hall, 90 minutes.

Opening event

Friday 13th Oct 2017
5:30 pm to 7:00 pm
IMAX at PVR Phoenix
Monday 16th Oct 2017
5:30 pm to 7:00 pm
PVR Phoenix 6

At the Berlin Documentary Forum

Unreliable Narrators: Stings to Leaks to Citizen Vigilantes

Saturday May 31, 2014
6pm to 8pm
HKW Berlin.

CCTV TV: An evening with CAMP

In advance of CAMP's solo at De Appel and in collaboration with LIMA - a screening of two of the studio’s earlier acclaimed projects that examine surveillance, society, and cinematic apparatus.

Four letter Film, 2004-2016

A conversation between two people, at the smallest possible bandwidth, that one could call "film", or narrative. Made of four alphanumeric characters, each having 14 segments. First made using Christmas lights in 2004. Remade in 2015.

LED structure, DMX controller, computer.

The X-Ray Files

From Stings to Leaks to Citizen Vigilantes

A video lecture
Tuesday June 10
7:30 - 10:30 pm

CCTV Social

In March 2008 Shaina Anand collaborated with Manchester Metropolitan University and Arndale Shopping Centre to open working CCTV environments to a general audience. People normally 'enclosed' by these networks came into the control rooms to view, observe and monitor this condition, endemic in the UK.

Capital Circus, 2008

Filmed at the then largest mall in Europe, the Arndale Center, which had been built over the centre of Manchester town after an IRA bombing in 1992. Filmed using the 208 cameras of the mall, from the control room. Over a hundred subjects were followed after they signed a "release form" combining CCTV and documentary image release protocols.
Part of the project CCTV Social.

27 mins, CCTV video.

CCTV Landscape from Moulali-Entally

A single camera mounted on the roof of Gem Cinema brings us multifarious textures, factoids and fabulations

Asia Pacific Triennial

The Neighbour before the House

Geographies of Belonging

Visiting Artist Lecture Series

From Land to Sea

From Gulf to Gulf to Gulf

Vertical Integration

We are proposing this term to think more broadly about extraction, waste, dependency, rear-guarding, mediatic conversions, in- and out-sourcing, and other aspects of chains of translation and steps of decision and production.

Footage Films, Or Narrating a Dataset

with Visiting Scholars CAMP
(Shaina Anand and Ashok Sukumaran)

We begin this fall semester's film class with a moratorium on audio-video capture.
100 days without your own images:)

From the Roof to the Sky

The Neighbour before the House
A Stone's Throw

August 1 – 7:30 pm
August 7 – 7:30 pm
August 12 – 7:30 pm
August 31 – 7:30 pm
with filmmaker q&a

Inlaks Fine Art Awardees 2024

machines, skins, traps and five-year plans

CAMP, Urvar and Studio ON invite you to a one-day Open House of artworks and interactions with the 2024 Inlaks Fine Art Awardees, who have been in residence in Borivali for the past 4 weeks.

From Gulf to Gulf to Gulf

as part of
Heavy Metal Containers

July 9, 10 pm
July 13, 7:30 pm
July, 17 pm
July 29, 7:30 pm

Into the Midst Workshop

Months long workshop initiated by a group of artists in and around Delhi. To analyse contemporary mediation and media theory as a general phenomenon, to discuss emerging practice and theory, and to produce new work.
Part 1 @Sarai, April 20-22, 2024

All Events