In March 2008 Shaina Anand collaborated with Manchester Metropolitan University and Arndale Shopping Centre to open working CCTV environments to a general audience. People normally 'enclosed' by these networks came into the control rooms to view, observe and monitor this condition, endemic in the UK.
Manchester's Open Street Surveillance, with Pan-Tilt-Zoom cameras (covering approx a 3km radius) and systems wired into the surrounding architecture over a decade ago were subject to demonstrations, scrutiny and inquiry by 36 participants. These sessions became somewhat like a diagnostic clinic, where symptoms, anxieties and inoculations about 'public health', under surveillance were mediated upon. The therapy sessions seemed to work both ways, for the participants as well as the security officers.
If the analog control room of MMU's Open Street Surveillance seemed 'just like 1984', the CCTV control room of the Arndale Centre bore cold testimony to the much heard myth, 'the IRA bomb saved Manchester'. The mall was the site of the largest IRA bomb in the UK, (1996) and its rebuilding (to create the largest Mall in UK) was the start of Manchester's regeneration program.
By having over 100 members of the public sign 'image-release' forms, the crew manipulated the UK Data Protection Act to have 'public' access the surveillance feed from the malls 206 cameras.
Visit links on the right for still and moving images and text about the sessions.
Annotations and Downloads at PAD.MA
A series of videos were exhibited at Cornerhouse, Manchester in April-May 2008 for the Asian Trienale Manchester 08, in an exhibition titled, What do you want?, curated by Kathy Rae Huffman.
Commissioned by Cornerhouse and Cornerhouse Education Livewire Program.
Capital Circus commissioned by Henie Onstad Kunstsenter, Norway for Reality Effects.
Chris Clarke, Ashok Sukumaran, Marisa Draper.
Special thanks to:
Kathy Rae Huffman, Sarah Perks, Tereza Kotyk at Cornerhouse.
Georgina Amica-Carpenter, Max Igbon and Jon Ratcliffe from Livewire Youth Program and Dean Brocklehurst, Hannah Mosley, Dale Copley.
Jai Redman from Ultimate Holding Company.
MMU Security:
Joe and Steve.
Ian, Bernadette, Mike, Alf, Stewart.
Arndale Security:
Gayle, Colin and Paul.
Jodie Sadler, Marisa Draper, Dean Brocklehurst, Rob Dunne, Alasdair Swenson, Sarah Jamison, Gwen Osmond, Roisin Weintraub and Daniel Johnson, Rachel Ashcroft, Matthew Holland, Lowri Evans, Amy Pennington, Hannah Swan, James Tennet, Kate Taylor, Helen Taylor, Alex Donohue, Adam Moxley, Amy Glendinning, Julie Spellman, Dale Copley, Phil King, Isabel Croissant, Anna Churcher Clarke, Elisabeth Bromley, Jonathan Watts, Harriet Mitchell, Dan Williamson, Joe Richarson, Jai Redman.
as part of
The Unfaithful Octopus
Nanyang Technological University
De Appel, Amsterdam
On three screens, a city-symphony filmed by automated CCTV cameras in Amsterdam. The optical and motor capacities of these cameras are pushed to an extreme. Certain human subjects reappear near or far in the images, suggesting a form of reciprocal knowledge or intent, a secret pact between cameras and people.
Filmed at the then largest mall in Europe, the Arndale Center, which had been built over the centre of Manchester town after an IRA bombing in 1992. Filmed using the 208 cameras of the mall, from the control room. Over a hundred subjects were followed after they signed a "release form" combining CCTV and documentary image release protocols.
Part of the project CCTV Social.
27 mins, CCTV video.
"The Neighbour Before the House deals with the effects and narrative remainders of a (warfare) technology and proposes a method of witnessing, a witness machine."
CCTV social premiered on April 3rd at Cornerhouse Manchester, as part of Asian Trienale Manchester 08, organised by Shisha. The show, titled what do you want, feautred five artists from India and was curated by Kathy Rae Huffman.
Shaina @ Cornerhouse
Day Two was a colder day. Joe and Steve were blurry-eyed when we got to the 'clinic'; Steve had had been on the eleven-hour night shift and was continuing through the day as they were short-staffed. Friday, the day of our first session had been the last day of Uni. Today was Sunday and the streets were quiet.
The 'warmth' of the Control room provided a space for diagnosis and self-examination. From Kate Taylor, a film curator from Liverpool interested in how artists and operators view CCTV to Phil, an employee of BAE systems and Julie who worked at Granada TV came a range of questions and reflections. Steve, feeling vulnerable and less on the defense offered us some clear insights about life 'on the beat' and about the processes of gentrification and regeneration he had witnessed in the city.
View short excepts from Day Two below.
The doors of the clinic opened at 11 am. "Have a nice day" by the Stereophonics was playing on the radio and in came Jodie Sadler, a young filmmaker who had traveled from London for the session."So how does all this work, talk me through it." The day progressed with two-person on-the-hour sessons. View short excerpts from Day One.
Through both days, Max, Jon, Georgina, Marisa, Chris and I walked through the mall, aware that we were being followed. Playing around with UK's Data Protection act and the documentary filmmakers mandatory 'image release'(with a side-ways wink at 'participatory' art practice), we carried with us "Image Release Forms' and encouraged people to sign on. The net result was that we had about a 100 release forms and were able to make a 'public' request for the Surveillance Videos.
Around 4 in the evening, the sun came out for a bit. Stuart, (who we had earlier visited at 2am on Friday night to witness the night shift) takes me for a walk around the MMU area. He maps all 36 'open street' cameras. Steve in the control keeps close track on us, cameras overhead rotate and tilt down. I film them instinctively, like animals stalking prey they watch, dark-eyed. Keeping Steve company in the control room are Chris and Anna and Elizabeth, the 4 o'clock visitors. As Stuart and me end our camera count, they spy 2 of their friends cutting across the park.
At 10 am on March 25, Chris Clarke led us to the back alley behind the Arndale Center. A series of buzzers, auto-lock doors and sign-ins later, and we were in the control room of the Arndale Mall.
Shaina Anand and Ashok Sukumaran's project CCTV Social is being shown as a 30-minute video at Space Hamilton, Seoul as part of the exhibition "The Second Order", curated by Ji Yoon Yang.Opening December 7th, 2010. Artists talk by Ashok Sukumaran: "Postscript on the Order of Networks"December 18th, 4pm
CCTV Social and Capital CircusatBunny Smash design to change the worldMuseum of Contemporary Art, TokyoOctober 3, 2013 to January 19, 2014
Two films by CAMP
CCTV Social
The Neighbour before the House
RR Theatre
10th Floor
Films Division
Pedder Road, Mumbai
Saturday, 31st August, 2013
4:00 pm
24 JORBAGH, New Delhi
January 27 - February 24 2015
Born in experimentation and uncertainty, black boxes of machines and institutions surround us with seemingly smooth and impenetrable functions. But reintroduce the uncertainty, reopen the conflicts, and the box appears stable in neither form nor function.
Twelve works by CAMP look out through the interior worlds of cameras, memory devices, surveillance systems and more, developing feelings and strategies along with them.
Home for recurring live streaming projects.
Clips, edits, sirens and phantoms from the annotated archives, and related sites. An invitation to absorb, discuss, navigate and contribute new and old time-based media, in a weekly rhythm. To feel the ideas in them, and their potential in and as art, film, daily life, new theory and use. Without the frameworks of social media ;)
Home page is refreshed every Monday, older weeks remain as long-term references.
Contact and to contribute:
To get notifications on new postings join the (you will be anonymous) telegram channel here.
A roof-top venue that has been active since 2007, in this location since 2009.
Video project that takes us on new and recently rebuilt roads in Pakistan, Sri Lanka, the Maldives, and India. Endoscopic views from the interior of the road system, and of the interfaces through which pride, money, data, climate, and vulnerability are connected to it, heighten our sense of developmental possibility, failure, and the deep ambiguity of road achievements.
‘A Passage Through Passages’ is a collaboration with anthropologists, and draws upon ethnographic and archival work in five field sites. This film is part of Roads and the Politics of Thought, a 5-year ethnographic study of road-building in South Asia.
The New Medium was a curated programme for the Mumbai International Film Festival for three consecutive years (2016-2018). The inaugural program - in a twisted art-historical mode - framed cinema as a new medium (125 years old, when compared to the other arts), and scoured the century of cinema chronologically...
A never-ending project housed at CAMP around peoples histories of Bombay-Mumbai.
A space we built and run with others, located in the R and R colony of Lallubhai Compound, Mumbai.
AS IF is a series of exhibitions by CAMP across the winter /spring of 2014-15.
As If (I-V)
As If – I Rock, Paper, Scissors
January 7 - February 20 2015
As If – II Flight of the Black Boxes
24 JORBAGH, New Delhi
January 27 - February 24 2015
As If – III Country of the Sea
February 21 - April 7 2015
As If – IV Night For Day
March 9 - April 30 2015
As If – tV
Clark House Initiative, Mumbai
March 29 - May 20 2015 has a sister project. is an annotated online archive of Indian film.
A project of listening, including with our ears, to some materials that seem to not touch us directly, but make up our "environment".