
At first, in 2008-2009, a project on the creek in Sharjah, from where a large number of ships leave for ports in Somalia.

This arrow of trade (in which Foucault's heterotopic ship is not an escape from but an entry into the space of conflict) became our subject. It offers an opportunity to think about how "business" in this context, and the relations between people that ground it, avoids the business of war, and how a "free port" created in Somalia by the lack of a customs regime, mirrored by Sharjahs' "cheap port", produces a "free trade" not governed by the WTO. With conflict up ahead and economic crisis at its tail (and pirates in the middle), this movement of goods and their sailors may trace old trade routes, but maps out something new: a contemporary landscape of new and used objects, refrigerators, dentist chairs, pink limousines and baby food, labour, charcoal (the only bulk item on the return journey), Asian and African diasporas, and giant wooden ships being built in Salaya, Gujarat.

The project consists of two parallel pieces: Wharfage, a book containing two years of port records related to the Somali trade; 
and Radio Meena, four evenings of radio transmissions from the port in Sharjah, which broadcast in a 5+ kilometre radius songs, commentary, phone and ship radio conversations with ships in Salaya, in Bossaso and enroute, accounts from Gujarati sailors, loaders from Dera Gazi Khan and NWFP in Pakistan, Sikh truckers, Iranian shopkeepers, Somali trading agents. All of whom spoke hindustani (hindi+urdu) as a common language of the port.

The book was republished in 2022.

Wharfage is a CAMP project invited by the 9th Sharjah Biennial, 2009.
As part of the program "Past of the Coming Days",
curated by Tarek Abou el Fetouh.


In Sharjah:
Production: Amna Ali Abdulla and Mohamed Tohami.

Data Entry and Translation: Khalid Abdul Khaleq Abdulla, Mohammed Al Ahdal
Mohammed Al Shaibani, Hala Al Hedeithy, Omar Arif, Alaa Edriss, Sameh Ghassan, Nada Al Jasmi, Khalid Mezaina, Noaf Yusif.

Manifests and port records:
with the cooperation of Jarsh Mohammed Jarsh, Ahmed Mohammed Iqbal, Esam Eisa Al Hashmi, Jamal Ahmed Abdalla Al Shaikh,  Abdul Rahman Saeed Bughanim, Ahmed Abdul Rahma, Ahmed Abdul Bughanim, Eisa Khalifa Bin Qasmoul, Majid Rahma Al Shamsi, Hamad Sultan Abu Shibs, Muneer Mukilapeedikayil from the Department of Seaport and Customs (Sharjah Creek Customs).

From CAMP:
Research and interviews: Shaina Anand, Nida Ghouse, Hakimuddin Liliyawala, Ashok Sukumaran, Samira Nadkarni.
Database Software: Sanjay Bhangar.
Texts: Ashok Sukumaran, Nida Ghouse, Shaina Anand.
Photographs:  Nida Ghouse, Hakimuddin Liliyawala , Shaina Anand (Sharjah), Samira Nadkarni (Salaya).
Copy Editing: Zinnia Ambarpardiwala, Samira Nadkarni.

Book design: Europa, London.
Printed at: Spenta Multimedia, Bombay.

This publication accompanies Radio Meena (100.3 FM), four days of radio broadcasts on the Sharjah Creek:

Radio Sound Engineer: Shuaib P.
Radio Voice / RJ: Ryan D' Souza, Hakimuddin Lillyawala.

With many thanks to:
Muhammad Rafiq and crew on M.S.V. Nazre Karam.
Abdul Rashid Bhaya, Adam Noor Mohammed Bhaya, Adam Bhaya, Gafur, Zubair, Abu Bakar, Ali and rest of the crew on M.S.V. Faize Sultane Khwaja.
Ibrahim bhai, Hamid bhai, Bashir Uthad, Osman and rest of the crew on M.S.V. Ghoushe Vashila
Akbar bhai on M.S.V. Madina Zulficar, Hussain Bhaya on M.S.V. Al Bismillah, Eesa Ali bhai on M.S.V. Ratna Sagar, Siddique Umar and Junis on M.S.V. Sabir Priya.
Mohammed Abdul Qadir and his father Abdul Qadir from Al Tayseer Shipping Company.
Mohammed Salat, Yusuf, Farrah and other  Somali Traders.
Saad Samir, Jack Persekian, Lara Khaldi, Khalid Mezaina, Noura Randle, Maya Nasser and Sevdar Khan at the Sharjah Biennial.
Mia Frostner and Paul Tisdell at Europa, London.
Catalina Lozano and Anna Colin at Gasworks, London.
Janna Graham at Serpentine Gallery, London.
Rob la Frenais and Gillean Dickie at Arts Catalyst, London.
Rishita Chandra and Minoo Davar at Spenta Multimedia Production, Mumbai.
Jan Gerber and Sebastian Lütgert at Pirate Cinema, Berlin.

Wharfage [2]
Scoring the Words

From Gulf to Gulf to Gulf


From Gulf to Gulf to Gulf

On Display at Tate Modern, Media Networks, till November 2022

The Boat-Modes

Our Documenta(13) installation "The Boat Modes" at Freedom, Kunstpalais, Erlangen

From Gulf to Gulf to Gulf, 2013

Feature-length film by sea between western India, eastern Africa and the Persian gulf. First shown at a purpose built outdoor cinema on the creekside in Sharjah in 2013, where many of the sailors gather. Shown in Documenta 13 in an abridged form, as part of the installation The Boat Modes.
83 mins.
Original format(s): HDV, SDV, VHS-C, Cellphone videos (variable formats). Stereo audio and in-cameraphone music.

The Country of the Blind, and Other Stories, 2011

A film that compiles observations made by volunteer guards watching the English Channel, over one year. Filmed by small cameras connected to the eyepiece of telescopes.
Produced with the National Coastwatch Institution, Folkestone, Kent, UK.
60 minutes, 5.1 surround sound.

Passages through Passages الرفيق قبل الطريق

A survey exhibition of the spatial, technical and cultural imaginations cultivated by CAMP.
Curated by Hoor Al Qasimi

Destuffing Matrix

4 channel HDV, 8 minutes

Men-At-Work with Boxes in Stereo

20 mins, HD. 2 - channel installation
Cantonese, Mandarin
Filmed in Guangzhou at the Zhuhai International Container Terminal

An Oceanic Feeling

CAMP’s From Gulf to Gulf to Gulf (2013) at the Len Lye Center Cinema, New Plymouth

Festival des Trois Continents

Celebrates its 40th year with an inventory of 40 films and a publication. CAMPs From Gulf to Gulf to Gulf along with films of Wang Bing, Edward Yang, Tsai Ming-Liang, Lav Diaz, Akram Zaatari, Lucrecia Martel, Hou Hsiao-hsien, Abbas Kiarostami...

From Gulf to Gulf to Gulf

Body Building
Ishara Art Foundation

Yerba Buena Center for the Arts

From Gulf to Gulf to Gulf
The Ocean After Nature
YBCA, San Francisco
curated by Alaina Claire Feldman
Screening dates:
July 5, August 20 2016

Underdox 08 Munich

From Gulf to Gulf to Gulf 83"at Underdox: document and experimentWerkstattkino, Munich20:30, 16th October, 2013

at Documenta13

Two exhibitions:The Boat Modes in a house in the Karlsaue Parkand with Pad.ma on Afghan Films, in the ex-elisabeth hospital/ex-chinese restaurant.

7th Athens Avant-Garde Film Festival

From Gulf to Gulf to Gulf 83 mins At Athens Avant-Garde Film FestivalGreek Film Archive Screening Room B20:30 pm, 22nd October, 2013

The Annotated Gujarat and the Sea and Wharfage

Mapping Asia

Shanghai Biennale

From Gulf to Gulf to Gulf
Social Factory: The 10th Shanghai Biennale
November 23, 2014–March 31, 2015
Power Station of Art
200 Huayuangang Rd

Verzio Budapest

From Gulf to Gulf to Gulf atVerzio International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival
Budapest, 11 to 16 November, 2014

The Country of the Sea

Single-exposure solar cyanotype print on cotton fabric
16 X 5 feet
at Experimenter, Kolkata
Raster-Emerging from the grid
November 18 to December 31, 2016
CAMP with Shunya Collective present a large solar cyanotype map of the sea, part of the long-term maritime project Wharfage.

Sekula beyond Sekula

From Gulf to Gulf to Gulf
Film Program
Allan Sekula - Okeanos
Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary
TBA21, Vienna
Artists lecture
31st March, 2017

Olhar de Cinema

From Gulf to Gulf to Gulf
Curutiba International Film Festival
New Views, International Competition
Curutiba, Brazil
28th May to June 5, 2014
Update: awarded the New Views prize.

The Ship and the Ship

Video lecture with materials from CAMP's ongoing Wharfage project,
involving state records, seafarers and "free trade" between parts of the
Persian Gulf, South Asia, and Africa.

by Shaina Anand and Ashok Sukumaranfor"Hydrarchy: Power and Resistance at Sea"UCL, London, Saturday, September 18, 2010, 10 am to 5 pm.
organised by Gasworks


From Gulf to Gulf to Gulf
Agadir International Documentary Festival
28th april to 4ht May, 2014

From Gulf to Gulf to Gulf

From Gulf to Gulf to Gulf2009-2013Sharjah Biennial 11 March 13- May 13 2013Film screening every evening 8 30 pmat an open-air cinema on the corner of Bank Street and Corniche Road, SharjahRun-time 80 mins

Doc Lisboa'13

From Gulf to Gulf to Gulfat Doc Lisboa28th and 31st October 2013
30th October Political Cinema Panel
1st November International Debate Passages

Viennale Vienna International Film Festival

From Gulf to Gulf to Gulfat Viennale
2nd and 5th November, 2013

Cork Film Festival

Double Bill: Two films by CAMP
From Gulf to Gulf to Gulf (83 mins)
The Neighbour Before the House (60 mins)
at the Cork Film Festival
November 12, 2013
Curated by Vassily Bourikas

BFI London Film Festival

From Gulf to Gulf to Gulf
BFI London Film Festival(moved to NFT 1)
South Bank, London
13th October, 2013
6:30 pm

Mobile M+ Moving Images

From Gulf to Gulf to Gulf
13 March to 26 April 2015

Water in Indian Cinema

From Gulf to Gulf to Gulf
Tagore Centre for Global Thought
Kings College, London
January 31, 2017

The Ocean After Nature

From Gulf to Gulf to Gulf
Samstag Museum of Art
Friday 3 March - Friday 9 June 2017

The Annotated "Gujarat and the Sea" Exhibition

(An exhibition building upon photos of another exhibition, and more)

Migrating Forms

From Gulf to Gulf to Gulfat Migrating Forms Brooklyn Academy of MusicDecember 12, 7pm. BAM Rose Cinemas

at FTII, Pune

From Gulf to Gulf to Gulf at Film and Television Institute of India, Puneat CRTDecember 8th, 2013 at 9:00 pmin the presence of the filmmakers and editor Sreya Chatterjee

Art Gallery Windsor

The Boat-Modesin Border Cultures: Part Two (work, labour) Art Gallery WindsorJanuary 25 - April 13, 2014

Dhaka Art Summit

From Gulf to Gulf to Gulf atDhaka Art SummitBangladesh Shilpakala AcademyExperimental Film Programme8th and 9th February 2014

52nd Ann Arbor Film Fest

From Gulf to Gulf to GulfFriday, March 28th 20143:00 pmHelmut Stern AuditoriumUniversity of MichiganAnn Arbor

Kino Museum Festival 2014

From Gulf to Gulf to Gulf at Museum for Modern Art in WarsawSunday, March 23 20147:00 pm

Images Festival, Toronto

Opening FilmFrom Gulf to Gulf to Gulf10th April 2014 7:00 pmThe Royal, Toronto

Museum of Hunting and Nature

From Gulf to Gulf to Gulf
Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature
November 19, 2014 7:30 pm


From Gulf to Gulf to Gulf
Carte Blanche/FID Marseille
December 13, 7:00 pm
Rivoli, Grand Auditorium

Film Program: Sun

From Gulf to Gulf to Gulf
Rupert, Vilnius
December 5, 7:00 pm


Manifesta Parallel exhibition
June 10 to July 13 2016
University of Zurich
Country of the Sea (2015)
CAMP in collaboration with Shunya Collective
single exposure cyanotype
17 feet x 5 feet
Hold (2016)
Plimsoll line, Printer, Paper, Manifests
From Gulf to Gulf to Gulf (2013)
HD, HDV, SDV, VHS, Cell-phone (variable) 83 mins


Opening Film
From Gulf to Gulf to Gulf
Goethe Institut, Kolkata
3 December, 2016 6:00 pm
Masterclass with Shaina Anand
TENT (Theatre for Experiments with New Technologies)
4 Bipin Pal Road
4:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Keimena - documenta 14

From Gulf to Gulf to Gulf
The first in a series of curated films to be aired at midnight on Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation's public TV channel as part documenta 14 programming.
11:59 pm
December 19, 2016

Festival International de Cinema, Marseille

From Gulf to Gulf to Gulfis showing at FID Marseille
July 2-8, 2013
Update: is awarded the Jury special mention
(International competition)

Mosiac Rooms

From Gulf to Gulf to Gulf
with an introduction by Edward Simpson, curated by Nada Raza

at Mosaic Rooms, London
14th April, 2016 7:00 pm

From Gulf to Gulf to Gulf

The Ocean After Nature
Grossman Gallery
School of the Museum of Fine Arts at Tufts University
January 26, 2017 – March 18, 2017


From Gulf to Gulf to GulfFeb 28th to March 6th 2014 at FICUNAM, Mexico

The Ocean After Nature

From Gulf to Gulf to GulfHugh Lane Dublin City Gallery 7th September to 7th January, 2018

Country of the Sea

CAMP at Transmediale 2018, Berlin with reprinted Wharfage, The Annotated "Gujarat and the Sea" Exhibition and The Country of the Sea cyanotype.

Unpacking "Country of the Sea"

A non-imperial view from the 'Other Boat', counter to images of the 'distressed seas'. With a presentation and screening of From Gulf to Gulf to Gulf at Transmediale 2018.

The Annotated "Gujarat and the Sea" Exhibition

General Rehearsal
A show in three acts from the collections

first draft gathering

"film objects"
A gathering organised by the Delhi based artist group first draft.
Saturday from 5 pm.

Video After Video : The Critical Media of CAMP

Organised by Stuart Comer and Rattanamol Singh Johal.

Phantas.ma Season - II

Phantas.ma is running a season dedicated to CAMP as part of Video After Video: The Critical Media of CAMP at MoMA.
A video a day, on the site.
sign up!

The (Reshuffled) Year of the Everlasting Storm

Sunday, 7:00 pm
100 mins
Pandemic shorts by Panahi, Poitras, Apichatpong, Weiwei, and others.

A Terrible Beauty

by Iram Ghufran
50 mins, 2023
7:00 pm

Introduction and post-screening discussion with Iram Ghufran.
A science-fiction fable set in the "miracle city" of Yiwu, in one of the world's largest wholesale markets for small commodities.

Youth (Spring)

by Wang Bing
232 mins | 2023
6:30 pm*

Soundtrack to a Coup d'Etat

by Johan Grimonprez
150 mins| 2024|
7:00 pm
A story about the encounter of American Jazz and African decolonisation, via the UN and the CIA, with a lot of world around it.

Around the World Again

Join us for a season of new films at CAMP which explore configurations and revelations of "world", amidst a world in pieces.
We begin the year with
by Miguel Gomes
2024, 120 mins.
7:00 pm.
in memorium, Tejas Pande.

Geographies of Belonging

Al Jaar Qabla Al Daar
Streaming on Union Docs.

All Events